Tenure | 1244- 8.1248 |
Nationality | French |
Birth | ? |
Death | 8.1248 from wounds suffered in battle |
Notes | In place of Guerinus the Knights of St John elected Fra Bertrand de Comps in 1244 in the city of Acre, in the time of Pope Innocent IV who convened a General Council in Lyon in 1245 in the reign of St Louis. In August 1248, this Grandmaster in Acre conducted a battle against the Turcomans, who had laid waste the region around Antioch. Her received several fatal wound from which he died. [anno MCCXLIV] Ipsius loco Equites S. Ioannis elegerunt in urbe Ptolemaide magnum Magistrum. Fratrem Bertrandum de Compis, tempore Pontificis Innocentii IV. qui convocavit Concilium generale Lugduni, an. MCCXLV. regnante S. Ludovico. Magnus hic Magister acri praelio contra Turcomanos certavit, qui regionem circum ANtiochiam depopulabantur, mense Augusto, anni MCCXLVIII. In eo praelio acceptis aliquot vulneribus letalibus animam exhalavit: Avity, Pierre d’; Gottfried, Johann Ludwig: Archontologiae Cosmicae, Liber III: Origo Ordinum Militarium, tam Regularium, Frankfurt am Main, 1628 |
Blazon | Quarterly: 1 and 4, gu a cross arg; 2 and 3, gu an eagle chequy arg and sa [JM] |