Monsters and Mythical Creatures
Heraldry is replete with several instances of monsters, mostly drawn from classical and medieval mythology but with the occasional variation inspired by heraldic imagination. Some, like the heraldic tiger and antelope have different attributes which distinguish them from their natural counterpart. The main heraldic monsters and creatures are the following:
Agacella, Amphiptère, Amphisien Cockatrice, Heraldic Antelope, Apre
Bagwyn, Baphomet, Basilisk
Calopus, Cameleopard, Camelopard, Cameleopardel, Camelopardel, Centaur, Chatloup, Chimæra, Cockatrice
Dragon, Dragonné, Enfield
Griffin, Griffon, Gryfin, Gryphon, Griffon-Male, Harpy, Hippogriff
Hydra, Ibex
Lindworm, Lion Poisson, Liver-bird
Male Griffon, Melusine, Mermaid, Merman, Morse, Musimon
Neptune, Opinicus
Panther, Pegasus, Phoenix, Python
Sagittarius, Sagittary, Salamander, Satyr, Sea-Dog, Sea-Horse, Sea Lion, Sea-Wolf, Sphinx, Syren
Triton, Tyger
Wivern, or Wyvern, Yale