A collection of Coats of Arms belonging to some of the families featured on this site.

AbelaAz a chevron or between three mullets of the same arranged 2 and 1
Acciaioli (Florence)Gu a lion rampant az  charged with the letter N or and carrying a pennon of the second unfurled to sinister charged with three fleur-de-lys of the third
AdamiOr a serpent holding an apple slipped, entwined around an apple tree fructed and leaved ppr; a senestrochère apaumé.
AgiusAz upon a mount of three sa a griffon rampant arg crowned or and holding in pale a sword of the third with a crosspiece and grip of the fourth, in dexter chief a mullet gu
AlagónArg, six  hurtes arranged  3 and 3 in pale
AldobrandiniAz a bend bretessé accompanied by six mullets all or
AllegrittoGu in pale three peacocks
AlliataOr three pallets sa
AloisioPer bend sinister arg and az, overall a lion rampant gu
Alvarez de ToledoChequy of five fesswise and three palewise az and arg
d’AmboisePaly of 6, or and gu
Ameline (i)Or, on a chevron purp three cinquefoils arg
Ameline (ii)Bendy of eight gu and arg, and on a chief az the sun in splendour or
AragónPaly of sixteen gu and or
Aragón (Sicily)Per saltire, first and third paly of sixteen gu and or, second and fourth arg an eagle displayed sa
d’AragonaPer saltire, first and third paly of sixteen gu and or, second and fourth arg an eagle displayed sa
ArchiacGu 2 pales vair ; a chief or
d’ArenósArg, a fox rampant gu, in dexter chief the sun in splendour of the same
AriostoPer pale az and arg, on a chief or an eagle displayed sa crowned of the third
d’ArtoisAz, semé of fleur-de-lys, in chief a label gu, each pendant charged with three towers or, arranged in pale
AsciakAz upon a base vert, a talbot passant or holding a pennon of the same
AtkinsonErmine a fess sa between three pheons arg 2 and 1
AttardGu a chevron arg between three quatrefoils of same arranged 2 and 1
d’AumaleOr a bend gu charged with three alerions arg
d’Avalos (Castille)Quarterly: first and fourth, az a tower arg within a bordure compony arg and gu; second and third,  quarterly quartered, a and d, bendy or and gu; b and c, per fess or and gu, a lion counterchanged.
AzzopardiAz an olive tree eradicated ppr, sinister to which a leopard rampant or
Bar-sur-Seine(Champagne)Az three bass embowed or placed in pale within a bordure compony of eighteen pieces or and sa
BarbaraArg three bees volant or arranged two and one, in base three arrows barbed and flighted of the same meeting in the base
BarbaroOr three bears’ heads sa langued gu placed two and one, and on a chief arg an annulet of the third
BaudouinAz , a chevron arg between in chief two mullets or and in base an ear of corn of the same
BearnOr two bulls passant gu accollé and horned az
BéchillonArg three fusils sa conjoined in pale
BiasiniAz a tower, port and loopholes voided of the field, atop which a bird, in chief a mullet or
BigeniArg two leopards combattant regardant or debruised by a fess az
BodetGu three bars gemelle arg, under a label of three az
BonannoOr upon a base vert a cat passant guardant sa
Bonavia (i)Az a bend arg charged with three mullets of six of the field, sinister a comet or
Bonavia (ii)Az upon a base  vert a griffon salient or with wings arg holding a pennon gu charged with a billet of the third on a mast of the same
BonelloArg between two roses gu a bend of the same
BonettGu a lion rampant or and on a chief az three cinquefoils arg
BonniciGu a sword arg with hilt and crosspiece or directed to chief point
BorgAz upon a mount of four upon five or a castle of four towers
BorgiaOr upon a base vert a bull passant gu all within a bordure of the third charged with eight flames of the first
BorromeoBarry of six gu and vert debruised by a bend arg
BranciforteAz a lion rampant or carrying a pennon of two points gu charged with three fleur-de-lys of the second
BrincatAz two arms sleeved with hands clasped to hold a tree all ppr, in chief three mullets of six arg
BuhagiarArg a bird on a mount in base
BusuttilAz a fess or above which a bird sa pecking at a bull passant arg
CachiaAz a bend or between a mount of 3 arg and three comets of the second
CaetaniQuarterly first and fourth: bendy wavy of five or and az; second and third: or an eagle displayed and crowned arg
CalamattaAz an arm sleeved ppr sinister carrying a censer arg
CalavàAz two pallets arg debruised by a bend or
CamenzuliAz upon a base vert a talbot rampant arg holding a palm leaf ppr
CamilleriAz upon a base vert a camel below an decrescent arg in dexter chief below three mullets of the same in chief
CarboneOr three bars purp
CardonaGu three thistles or slipped and leaved ppr arranged 2 and 1
del CarettoOr five bendlets gu (Alternatively: Gu five bendlets or)
CaruanaArg debruised by a bar sa a ball of flame gu, and on a chief az a Greek cross of the first
CassarAz a castle with three towers, atop a paschal lamb
CassiaPer pale gu three bendlets arg and az three mullets or arranged in pale
CauchiAz Neptune ppr
CaxaroAz four bars arg two enhanced and two abased
de la CerdaQuarterly. First and fourth: per pale gu a tower or and arg a lion rampant of the first crowned of the second; second and third: az three fleur-de-lys or arranged 1 and 2
CervantesAz two stags or placed in pale
CesiGu on a mountain of six peaks arg, a tree ppr
Chambret (i)Az three houses arg, on a chief of the second a lion passant gu
Chambret (ii)Gu a fess invected or charged with three fleur-de-lys arg within a bordure invected purp
Charon (i)Az , a chevron between in chief two mullets and in base a cartwheel all or
Charon (ii)Arg three thistles az slipped and leaved ppr arranged 1 and 2
ChasteignerOr a lion statant vert armed and langued gu
Châtillon de PorcéanGu three pales vair, on a chief or a martlet sa to dexter
Châtillon de St-PôlGu three pales vair, on a chief or a label of five az
 Barruly arg and az charged with 3 torteaux gu 2,1
CheninAz a cross engrailed or, debruised by a label gu.
ChetcutiOr two bars az, in chief a mullet of 5 points of the same between two pullets arg and in base a mullet of the second
ChiaramontePer fess gu a mount of five arg and of the last
CiantarAz three bends or, and on a chief gu a tree leafed ppr, sinister a horse rampant arg
CiboGu a bend chequy; on a chief arg a cross gu
CiliaAz a lily arg slipped and leaved ppr
Cilia La CortePer pale az a lily arg slipped and leaved ppr; and vert a bend or charged in dexter chief with a porcupine sa
CircoloAz a tower arg on a mount of 3 vert
CirinoOr a fess az charged with five lozenges of the field
ColonnaOr a column arg atop which a crown of the field
ContiArg an eagle displayed sa beaked or
ContiGu an eagle displayed chequy or and sa
CordinaAz three roses gu leaved and slipped ppr arranged 2 and 1
da Correggio (Lombardy)Quarterly of 6: first and sixth, or an eagle sa crowned or; second, gu a baldrick sa formed in a circle; third and fourth, az a lion rampant or; fifth, gu, on a base vert a talbot sejant or. In chief, or a double headed eagle issuant sa, crowned or on each head.
la CorteVert a bend or charged in dexter chief with a porcupine sa
de La Court

de la Berthonnière

Vert a bend or charged in dexter chief with a porcupine sa
de La Court

de la Grize

Arg three mullets gu arranged 2 and 1, and on a chief three mullets counterchanged
CourtenayOr three torteaux arranged 2, 1
CumboArg a knot
da CunhaOr nine hurtes arranged 3,3, and 3
CyboGu a bend chequy; on a chief arg a cross gu
DarrotAz two swans necks entwined arg, holding in each beak an annulet or
DebattistaA fess arg with three mullets or between az a sheep couchant of the first and gu an escallop
DebonoAz a tree leaved ppr on a base vert , sinister a savage holding a spear, its head to sinister chief point, in chief three mullets or
DecaroPer chevron arg and or, a flamed heart gu pierced by the point, in base and surmounting the base, six candles of the first, flamed gu interlaced 3 and 3
de NavaChequy, alternately plain and embattled, or and gu, within a bordure arg formed by the motto Omnium verum et vicissitudo
DespottTierced in pairle arg, az and gu, three roses arranged 2 counterchanged and, in base, 1 of the first,  the shield debruised by a chevron per pale sa and arg
de DreuxChequy or and az in a bordure gu
du PontArg a fess sa charged with a mullet or between three roses gu arranged 2 and 1
EllulGu a fess between three mullets and in base a crescent all arg
EnriquezArg a laurel wreath   ppr encircling a mullet or accompanied by four mullets az arranged 2 and 2
Enriquez (Spain)Per chevron, gu two castles or and arg a lion rampant crowned purp
d’EsteAz an eagle displayed arg armed and crowned or
EstivalleGu a saltire arg between four trefoils of the same
d’EstoutevilleBarry of 8 arg and gu debruised by a lion rampant  sa, armed, langued and crowned or
FalzonGu a closed letter “M” or charged with a billet  voided fesswise
FarneseOr six fleur-de-lys az arranged 3, 2, 1
FenechArg on a base vert a coney couchant, and on a chief az three mullets of the field
FernandezArg a crown or between 1 and 2 of 3 bars az
FloresArg a rose slipped and leaved ppr, in chief gu three mullets or
de FoixOr three pales gu
Folch de CardonaGu three thistles or slipped and leaved ppr arranged 2 and 1
FormosaArg three fissures sa abased, above which a bird or  per bend sinister holding a palm leaf ppr, and in dexter chief point an angle in the form of the inverted letter “L” or
FranchiQuarterly: 1 and 4 Or a tower gu masoned sa; 2 and 3 az 3 fleur de lys or 2,1
GaetaniQuarterly first and fourth: bendy wavy of five or and az; second and third: or an eagle displayed and crowned arg
GattArg between  a base vert and a bar  gu a cat passant guardant   of the last, in chief az three mullets of 5 points of the first
GattoAz a cat passant guardant arg, in chief three mullets or
GauciAz a castle of three towers or; in chief three mullets arg
de GourvilleOr a lion rampant gu, crowned, armed and langued arg
GrignonGu three keys or, wards to chief and dexter, arranged 2 and 1 in a bordure az
GrillonGu a bend arg charged with a cricket sa
de GuevaraQuarterly: first and fourth, gu five lozenges arg arranged 2, 1, 2; second and third, arg between four bendlets sinister or seven palm leaves ppr arranged 2, 3, 2
Guzman (Andalusia)Az two boiling pans in pale each counter-compony gu and or, the handle gu with 3 serpents or issuant from each side of each pan
de la HabicaPurp between five bezants arranged 1, 3, 1, two bendlets or
HarcourtGu two bars or
HérissonAz three roses arg placed 2, 1
d’IlliersOr five annulets gu arranged 3, 2, 1
ImbrollOr a palm leaf ppr
Inguanez (i)Gu three pales wavy or
Inguanez (ii)Arg a bend az surmounted by, on a base vert, a castle with two towers
La CorteVert a bend or charged in dexter chief with a porcupine sa
LanfrancoGu an eagle displayed arg beaked and armed sa
Laugeois d’HimbercourtAz a castle, and a chief ermine
de LiniersArg a fess gu; a bordure sa charged with 8 besants
LombardoVaire or and gu of 7 lines
de LusignanBarry arg and az
de MailléOr 3 bars undy gu
ManaraPer fess, az between the four pendants of a label and above four fleur-de-lys three like charges all or and of the same below a bar of the first a battle axe arg fesswise, haft to sinister
ManciniAz two fish naiant arg
MarinoAz a bend sinister arg charged with a mullet sa
Maumusson (i)Az a chevron between in chief 2 mullets of 5 points all or and in base a cypress tree of the same on a base arg
Maumusson (ii)Gu a fess accosted by six pullets all arg 3 and 3
de MaussonAz a chevron between in chief 2 mullets of 5 points all or and in base a cypress tree of the same on a base arg
MazzaraOr issuant from the base and below a chief az a pile sa
de MediciOr five torteaux arranged 2,2,1, at chief point a hurte charged with three fleur-de-lys of the field.
Michiel (Venice)Barry of 6 az and arg, the bars az charged with eleven bezants placed 5, 4 and 2; a twelfth bezant placed in base point on the third bar arg.
de ModicaAz, on a chief or a helm vert with mantling of the same
MoncadaGu eight bezants arranged 4 and 4 in pale
MuratoreAz a sword arg garnished or; atop a fleur-de-lys of the last.
MuratoriGu four stags, 1 and 3 or, 2 and 4 arg. Crest: A knight holding a sword.
MuscatArg a tree ppr upon a base vert
de NavaChequy, alternately plain and embattled, or and gu, within a bordure arg formed by the motto Omnium verum et vicissitudo
NavarraAz between four bendlets or three etoiles of 8 points arg
NorthAz a lion passant or between three fleur de lys arg 2 and 1
OrsiniArg three bends gu and on a chief of the field supported by a barrulet or charged with a serpent glissant sa, a rose ppr
PaceArg between two conjoined hands in fess an olive branch all ppr
Pace [2]Az above a mount a dove volant carrying an olive branch all ppr, in chief 3 mullets or
PajasArg five mullets  gu arranged 2, 2, 1
Pallavicini (o)Chequy arg and gu, in chief or an eagle displayed crowned sa
PamphiliGu a dove close carrying an olive branch ppr and on a chief az three fleur-de-lys or
ParisPer pale, a fess enarched az between three mullets or arranged, two in chief and the other placed in base with, at dexter, a tree trunk raguly bendwise gu ; and az upon a base, a tree all ppr with, at dexter, a lion salient or
ParisiAz three bars, in chief three mullets all or
ParmigianoPer pale or and sa, an eagle displayed counterchanged,  and on a chief az, between the four pendants of a label gu, three fleur-de-lys arg
ParnisAz upon a base ppr a horse forcené arg
Parthenay l’ArchevèqueBarry arg and az, debruised by a bend gu
PellegrinoAz a lion rampant or
PeraltaAz a wing or per pale pierced by an arrow sa placed per bend sinister barb to dexter base point
PiccolominiArg a cross az charged with five crescents or
PierrepontAz three pallets or, under a chief gu
Pierrepont (France)Az a bridge arg masoned sa
Pierrepont (Normandy)Arg a chevron gu accompanied by three lions  sejant of the same, the two in chief affronté
Pollicino   (Castagna Branch)Gu a chestnut branch ppr, and on a chief arg three pullets of the field
PontremoliArg upon a base sa and flying from the top of a Greek column a pennon gu all supported at sinister by a lion rampant or armed and langued of the third
du PontArg a fess sa charged with a mullet or between three roses gu arranged 2 and 1
PsailaArg a bulb ppr
de la RameeErmine a bend az charged with a mullet or and a feather arg
RancatiArg six trefoils eradicated vert 3,2,1
ReboulAz three bezants
de la RocheArg six fleur-de-lys gu arranged 3,2,1, and on a chief or a lion passant of the second
RoigneArg a tree eradicated ppr
RorthaysArg three fleur-de-lys gu in a bordure sa charged with ten bezants arranged 2. 4 and 4
RospigliosiQuarterly or and az four lozenges counterchanged
della Rovere (Savona)Az an oak tree eradicated or
della Rovere (Urbino)Quarterly: 1. Or an eagle displayed sa; 2. az an oak tree eradicated or; 3. bendy az and or; 4.Quartered in pale: (a) barry arg and gu; (b) az four fleur-de-lys or in pale; (c) az a Jerusalem cross or; (d) or four pallets gu.
RuffoPer fess dancette arg and sa
Ruffo di CalabriaPer fess dancette arg and sa, in chief three escallops
SaccanoGu two pales vair gu and or
SaluzzoArg, a chief az
Salviati (Firenze)Gu three bends dancetty arg
SalviatiAz a wyvern erect contourné or in a bordure of the same verdé of leaves ppr
SammutAz a chevron or between two mullets of the same and in base a Tau cross sa
SamutAz the sun in splendour arg between a base wavy of the field and a bar gu
della ScalaGu a ladder of four rungs arg placed palewise
SceberrasAz a breast plate of armour arg upon which a helmet of the same plumed or
SchembriAz upon a base vert a castle with two towers arg atop which a stag trippant holding a pennon gu
SciclunaGu upon an averdant base a horse forcené, in chief sinister an increscent both arg
Scifo (i)Arg upon a base vert a castle of two towers atop which an eagle displayed sa crowned of the field debruised by a scarpe debased sa charged with three mullets or
Scifo (ii)Az upon a base sa a castle of three towers arg masoned of the second atop which an eagle displayed of the same crowned or and in chief three mullets of the same
ScirottaAz between three mullets arranged 1,2 a bend atop which a fox passant also bendwise all or
SforzaAz a lion rampant or  langued and armed gu holding a quince of the second leaved ppr
SpadaforaGu an arm embowed vambraced holding per bend sinister a sword all ppr
SpiteriOr upon a bar az a lion passant gu holding a sword of the same with hilt and crosspiece arg directed to point
StagnoOr five barrulets wavy az
StivalaPer fess, per pale az a mullet of 6 points or and gu a wing displayed arg; and below a bar of the second, a castle with ramparts and a centre tower masoned sa
StoraceSa two pales az debruised by a bend sinister arg charged with three decrescents gu
SurdoAz issuant from a wavy base of the field a swan displayed arg, in chief three mullets or
TabonaAz a lymphad arg under a mullet or
TaboneAz between three comets or  arranged 2 and 1, an arm sleeved gu with hand ppr holding a heart of the second
Testaferrata (i)Per fess, or a demi-eagle displayed sa beaked and langued gu and crowned arg and of the last a bull rampant guardant of the third
Testaferrata (ii)Arg a bull rampant guardant gu and on a chief az three mullets or
ThouarsGu semé of trefoils or
TomacelliGu a bend counter-compony az and arg
TonnaOr between four bars vert three fish naiant and counternaiant arg
TorpianoA fess arg between or a tree ppr co-erectant with a chevron couché  vert the chief end couped, all under three mullets per chief az, and gu two bars of the second
VaccaroGu a bull passant or
VassalloGu a lion rampant or debruised by a bend az
de VelascoChequy or and vair of five fesswise and three palewise, each vair consisting of two tiers; within a bordure gu charged with ten saltorels of the first
VellaChequy sa and arg and on a chief of the last three fleur-de-lys or
VentimigliaArg with a chief or
VianisiAz a dove volant bendwise head to dexter arg
Visconti (i)Arg a serpent az vorant an infant gu
Visconti (ii)Az with a chief embattled or
de la XabicaPurp between five bezants arranged 1, 3, 1, two bendlets or
XaraOr in base three bushes vert
XerriGu three bendlets indented or
XuerebAz a bend or between two moors’ heads ppr
ZahraArg a lily slipped and leaved ppr
Zammit (i)Gu two arms vested ppr with hands also ppr clasped to hold a sword with hilt and crosspiece directed to point, in chief three mullets or arranged 1 and 2
Zammit (ii)A bar gu between az an arm embowed and vested holding a sword with, at sinister, two cinquefoils palewise all or; and of the second a cinquefoil of the third
Zuñiga (de Bejar)Arg a bend sa debruised by a chain of eight links or placed in orle